We build AI Solutions for Transformative Business Impact

We specialize in custom AI solutions, leveraging reusable components for diverse sectors including Entertainment, Retail, and Education. Our focus is on enhancing business efficiency and personalizing customer experiences through scalable AI solutions.


In a world where AI defines market leaders, don't get left behind.
We're Here to Lead You Forward

As your AI partner, we collaborate to integrate AI seamlessly into your operations, enhancing your offerings and securing your competitive edge in the market

Transforming Your Business

AI Innovations Across Industries


Entertainment Personalization

Delivering AI-driven personalization for online casinos and streaming services, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.


Retail and Commerce Innovation

AI-driven automatic pricing for digital and physical products, and customer service automation for increasing efficiency and enriching the customer experience.


Domain Knowledge

Using AI augmented with your company’s internal information to amplify your employees potential.


Coaching and Learning

Providing AI-powered solutions for professional coaching and personalized education, tailored to unique learning styles and career goals.

Online Casino

Real-time personalized slot games recommendations, and sports betting recommendations based on user behavior and preferences.

Service Provider

AI Pricing Assistant (chatbot) for automated pricing for services like insurance, consulting services, telecommunication, legal services based on price formation configuration.

In-house Career Development

AI-driven matching of employees with potential new, bigger roles inside company, and creating of the plan how to achieve that.

Custom GPTs

Custom GPTs Creation for OpenAI GPT Store

The OpenAI Custom GPT Store is a game-changer, promising a new era in AI innovation. Partner with AInnovate to unlock the power of custom GPT models tailored to your business needs.


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